Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork
Therapeutic Massage and Advanced Reiki * Hands On or Virtual Sessions * Reiki for Animals "MIND-HEART-BODY" Well-Being
Services and Rates

Holistic Integrative Choices

To Achieve Your Optimal Health and Well-Being    

Heath history intake forms and assessment with initial appointment.

Every session is updated & tailored to your physical, emotional and energetic 

state upon arrival to each appointment

* Very Advanced Reiki Healing Sessions, Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial Bodywork, Qigong, Guided Breathing, Tapping and Stretching may be combined. *

Please contact me to answer any questions you may have.


                              1 Hour........$90.00  

                          1 1/2 Hour.......$140.00

                              2 Hours......$190.00


Distant Reiki Healing Sessions Offered to anywhere in the world. 

These are Easily Scheduled by appointment. Credit card payments accepted. 

* * * *



Those with fibromyalgia require a very gentle stroke due to the numerous trigger point sensitive areas throughout the body.  Each day is unique for fibromyalgia sufferers and a custom designed treatment will be provided with each session.  Client and therapist work together one on one to ensure there is no discomfort; that you leave better relaxed with less pain.




Clinical Myofascial / Connective Tissue:

This massage is ideal for realigning short and contracted muscles, fascia, and microscopic scar tissue re-sculpting the body back to achieve its proper posture and gait pattern.  Slow precise strokes with various pressures help re-lengthen tight or injured muscles when combined with myofascial release techniques learned hands on from CE Classes taught by James Waslaski,LMT.  The pain management courses I have attended utilize knowledge gained through scientific research and studies of myofascial bodywork muscle fiber corrective re-structural results from both live patients and cadavers.  My classes combine massage practices and techniques of Thomas Myers, John Barnes, Eric Dalton, and James Waslaski. The body will feel reduced pain levels, more flexibility with improved joint range of motion with your body back in balance.  Sport shorts and top/sports bra may be worn for some of these sessions.   Stretches and exercise to do at home will be demonstrated after the bodywork session.

Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ or TMD) Massage:

TMJ can be very painful causing headaches, pain and tenderness of the face, jaw joint, neck, shoulders and even in or around the ear.  Often there may be a clicking of the jaw.  Gentle massage of Temporalis, Masseter, and other muscles of the face and neck will re-lengthen contractures causing the painful pressure felt at, and around the disc between the Temporal bone and Mandible. Sterile gloves will be worn as the gums inside the mouth and the jaw's muscle attachments sites are also be massaged.

Deeper Myofascial & Tissue Work:

Deeper precise strokes for compact muscle fibers and joints for those who desire a deeper more intense; yet not painful pressure to break up scar tissue within muscle fibers / fascia.  This may feel more like a sports massage at the end.  There will be increased blood flow, greater flexibility and reduced pain after.


Massage with Reiki chakra balancing and aura brushing:

Did you say that you want total relaxation physically and emotionally? ..........then this is the way to go.

Working together customizing your treatment; energy centers or Chakras will be balanced, reinforced, and body well grounded before ending the session.  The aura will be cleansed throughout the session and your body will receive the custom massage for optimal healing.

Customized Marayana Sayi Reiki Healing Session

Ideal for everyone's physical, emotional,

Feel the peace and relaxation that comes during this advanced Rainbow Reiki ® Advanced energy work.   It is a customized unique Advanced Rainbow Reiki®  energy work session ideal for the immune system and for replenishing healthy balance and vitality to organs and energy system.  Also excellent for releasing emotional traumas.

Specific organ(s) receive Reiki according to client physical condition and health.   Emotional states are focused upon as well since they often relate to the physical balance.   The physical and energetic body is replenished with healing "Chi" life force energy.    Emotional and physical aspects of the body are fine tuned, balanced, and the aura is cleared.   The opportunity for healthy cell growth is boosted.  

Marayana Sayi is a Rainbow Reiki healing treatment that nourishes ones body and its energetic systems using 17 hands on positions and positions appropriate for the health condition of the individual.

Marayana Sayi is very effective especially when it comes to treat health disorders focusing on individual organs, bones and bone marrow, central nervous system, lymphatic system, eyes, lungs, ears, muscle, connective tissue, as well as the mind and spirit.  There are over 100 specific conditions we may combine!

The client remains fully clothed while wearing loose, comfortable clothing.

Watches, rings and chains made out of metals should be removed.  A full session lasts 1/2 - 1 hour depending on the plan of care choice after assessment.

* Specified organ healing    * Lymphatic System Cleansing      * Emotional Imbalances     * The Central Nervous System & Spinal Nerves     * Advanced Aura work to regain improved physical, energetic, and body balance are only some of the options offered with Advanced Rainbow Reiki Healing sessions.

Rainbow Reiki Advanced Metaphysical Healing (AMH):  Chronic muscle tension may possibly be caused by emotional stress.  Especially with individuals holding office jobs. This very advanced Reiki healing technique is a combined project of Walter Lubeck and Duff Cady, Reiki Master Teacher, LMT, NLP Master Practitioner, Reflexology Therapist. It has been developed using elements of Usui and Rainbow Reiki, NLP and different methods of healing which may release repressed anger, grief or traumatic experiences. 

Brain Stem Cleansing: A Rainbow Reiki 30 minute treatment for assisting cleansing the brain stem of toxins, bacterias, unhealthy heavy metals, trauma, fears, neurological or psychotic patterns. Client remains fully clothed removing all metals.

Pelvic Realignment Harmonizing the Pelvis: A Rainbow Reiki 30 minute session used to harmonize Atlas vertebrae, joints in the body including the jaw, the diaphragm, and pelvis.  Often people suffer from imbalance of the pelvis which appears in a way that one leg seems to be shorter.  The client lies down on the table clothed with legs straight, relaxed and parallel. Client remains fully clothed removing all metals from body

Falayna Say Reiki Session: Assists to develop your full primary emotional potential to walk the path of the soul. Primary soul emotions are the energies that enable us to act from a point of love. This session assists in removing fears created by secondary emotions of the ego.  Client is fully clothed removing jewelry and metals from body

Latest 2019 Rainbow Reiki® Aura Healing and Wizard Energywork to treat both acute and chronic injury, trauma, grief, PTSD, Karmic Loops, Patterns, Ancestral Karma, assisting to achieve a greater sense of Self Love, Forgiveness, Chakra strengthening, grounding, pain relief and other customized energetic, emotional and anatomical sessions are available.

I'm proud to announce my availablity for clients in Sedona.    

Should you be planning that special vacation or "get away" day trip to beautiful and majestic Sedona, my Professional Services may also be booked through Gateway Cottage Wellness Center which offers a wide variety of the ultimate holistic healings and massage therapies.  










Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork. All rights reserved.