Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork
Therapeutic Massage and Advanced Reiki * Hands On or Virtual Sessions * Reiki for Animals "MIND-HEART-BODY" Well-Being
Marayana Sayi Reiki Treatment

Marayana Sayi  30 Minute Full Body Rainbow Reiki Treatment:

This new  Rainbow Reiki Treatment was first introduced to the United States by Walter Lubeck during his US class given Oct. 2011 and is having wonderful results.  It is more powerful than a regular Reiki Treatment in that it heals specific physical conditions symptoms and organs.  It also treats the body on an emotional level.  

During his latest July - August 2019 Rainbow Reiki Classes he introduced many new updates which are even more effective than before.   We are able to focus on close to 100 symptoms and conditions!

The client remains fully clothed wearing comfortable loose-fitting clothing and the treatment consists of all 17 hands-on Reiki full body positions utilizing both the Traditional Usui and Lemurian Rainbow Reiki symbols and mantras.   Special  hand positions are utilized for specific conditions.  These treatments are unique to every individual with each visit.

Bones, Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Spleen, Heart, CNS/Spinal Nerves, Mind & Spirit, and Blood  each have specific healing mantras for channeling the appropriate energy for the individual and cleasing of chakras .  It is working very well with both chronic and specific imbalances on both the physical and emotional levels.

We see clearly that there is indeed a mind-body-heart connection.

The body is able to heal itself!






Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork. All rights reserved.