Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork
Therapeutic Massage and Advanced Reiki * Hands On or Virtual Sessions * Reiki for Animals "MIND-HEART-BODY" Well-Being

Animals love to be treated with Reiki and are not at all shy to ask for and position themselves while receiving the healing energies.

Very sensitive and responsive to the healing energy, they are quick to terminate the treatment gratefully when feeling they have received what they need.

    Reiki is very beneficial for healing all animals physically, emotionally, and for behavioral patterns or concerns. 

A Reiki session will boost the endocrine and immune systems, reduce joint and arthritic pain, promote speedier recovery after an injury or surgery, and remove unwanted toxins.   

    If you own an animal with behavioral disorders such as hyper activity, depression or aggressive emotional states; it is possible that his energy field or chakra system is off balance.  Animals (as humans) experience stress, fear, and emotional trauma.

    When you schedule any surgery for your pet, or if your pet becomes injured; Reiki promotes and speeds up new healthy cell growth.  

It actually speeds up the healing time for broken bones!

     Horse breeders and dairy farm owners often use Reiki healing in conjunction with veterinarian visits.  Dogs and cats LOVE it .   They also appreciate Reiki combined with a gentle massage over sore muscles and joints.

     In short, our pets benefit from a simple 10-30 minute hands on Reiki session just as much as we do! 

     Think about scheduling a Reiki appointment for your beloved animal friend.

      30 minutes $35.00

      60 minutes $70.00

   (Transportation would be an additional charge accordingly)

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork. All rights reserved.