Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork
Therapeutic Massage and Advanced Reiki * Hands On or Virtual Sessions * Reiki for Animals "MIND-HEART-BODY" Well-Being



Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT  

Licensed Massage Therapist and Nationally Certified Reiki Master Teacher in both Traditional

Japanese Usui and Advanced Rainbow Reiki® Healing Techniques



 * Bilingual in Spanish *



  Treatment area is well disinfected and the Therapist wears a mask.   


COVID sanitation measures comply with CDC guidelines

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Corporate or business CHAIR MASSAGE EVENTS are both fun and greatly appreciated by employees, clients and residents.

Give the gift of a 10-20 minute mini massage per individual and observe the smiles and gratitude!


If you are unable to travel: Highly Effective & Customized Reiki Distant Healing Sessions may be transmitted to your house, a nursing facility, Hospice or hospital by appointment.


You may also schedule personal Reiki Sessions via zoom 

* Please note that Distant Reiki may be sent to anywhere in the world *


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Reiki, Massage Therapy, Reflexology, ACE Cupping combined with Lymphatic drainage, Sound Healing and Qigong offer unique and wonderful peaceful relaxing benefits for clients.

Each has been scientifically researched and documented as very effective noninvasive holistic healing options which complement traditional western medicine.  Each assists with pain reduction, removal of toxins, healthy new cell reproduction and stronger grounding.  

   When you feel better physically there is more joy in your life and you will notice that it emits out into your surroundings as well!


Chronic Pain can stem from a physical injury, trauma, surgical procedures, repetitive daily motions, aging, a compromised immune system, and possible psychological or emotional disturbances.

Days, weeks, or months of chronic non-stop pain is extremely draining and may cause depression, confusion, frustration, and anger. 

Integrative Myofascial Massages and gentle relaxing Advanced Reiki Energy Healing Sessions have assisted many when other healing methods were not successful.

You can safely combine Therapeutic Massages & Reiki sessions with visits to General Healthcare Practitioners, Chiropractors and  Acupuncturists. We work together forming a professional "team"  assisting you to achieve optimal health, well being and balance.


Because every individual has his or her unique and specific condition, all treatments are customized accordingly, and adjusted with professional pure intention, skill, and focus for your progressive optimal healing.

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      Therapeutic Ortho Medical Massages are excellent for postural realignment, pain reduction, post surgical recovery, improved physical strength and flexibility can include pelvic stabilization, joint capsular work and the break up of inner scar tissue within muscle fibers, tendons, ligaments and between bones. 


 A Reiki session may be compared to acupuncture without needles.  

Reiki helps to promote relaxation, restore the natural life force within the body assisting one to heal; and improves emotional & physical well being.   It works bio-energetically in conjunction with all other medical procedures for reducing possible side effects from post-surgical procedures, medications, cancer treatment of chemo and radiation.   It promotes a faster recovery boosting and cleansing the energetic, lymph and immune systems.

For over 22 years I've visited hospitals, hospice rooms and have scheduled numerous remote sessions utilizing very advanced Rainbow Reiki Distant Healing.

 Therapeutic Massage & Reiki Energy combined are a gateway to integration of your body, mind, heart, and spirit.


Clients and I always work "together" communicating and interacting as a team; with the achievement of your desired health goal in mind. 


Please call to schedule Your Appointment

Weekdays 10AM-6PM

Saturdays 10AM-3PM

(315) 391-9181

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When visiting Sedona, AZ you may also book customized sessions with me at

Gateway Cottage Wellness Center

470 N. State Route 89A Sedona, AZ

(928) 862-4400


"NAMASTE" defined: 

I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place within you of light, love, truth, peace and wisdom.  I honor the place in you, where when you are in that place and I am in that place, there is only one of us.                  

I look forward to meeting you.




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Christine Salomon, LMT, RMT "Namaste" Lightwork. All rights reserved.